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linkTrinidad dan Tobago : hari libur umum, penutupan perbankan, sekolah liburan

Trinidad dan Tobago : jadwal lengkap hari libur umum, penutupan Bank dan Bursa saham, liburan sekolah, pameran dagang, budaya dan acara olahraga, Festival, Karnaval, pemilihan selama 3 bulan berikutnya

  • Mata Uang: Dollar (TTD)
  • Internet domain: .tt - telephone code: +1-868 - International dialing code: 011
    Banks remain open during carnival
  • Akhir Pekan: Hari Sabtu dan Minggu
  • UNTUK MENTERJEMAHKAN KE DALAM BAHASA-BAHASA NEGARA INI: Bahasa Inggris 350 juta pembicara dalam 47 negara), Bahasa Kreol ...
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  • TanggalNamaJenisLagi
    Hari Senen 1 aprel, 2024Hari Senen PaskahKatolik atau Protestan
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    Hari Senen 8 aprel, 2024Liburan Musim Semi (akhir)Hari libur sekolah, sebagai tambahan hari libur resmi bank (dapat bervariasi sesuai areanya)
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    Hari Rabu 10 aprel, 2024Akhir Ramadan (dapat berubah ke hari terdekat)Islam
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    Hari Minggu 12 mei, 2024Pesta Ibu-ibuKartu pos/Bunga
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    Hari Khamis 23 mei, 2024Opsional liburanBuda (Theravada)
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    Hari Khamis 30 mei, 2024Korpus KristiKatolik
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    Hari Khamis 30 mei, 2024Pesta Ketibaan Orang-orang IndiaLiburan Sekuler
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    Hari Jumaat 31 mei, 2024Pesta Ketibaan Orang-orang IndiaLiburan Sekuler
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    Hari Minggu 16 juni, 2024Hari Bapa 'Kartu pos/Bunga
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    Hari Rabu 19 juni, 2024Pesta PekerjaanLiburan Sekuler
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    Hari Jumaat 28 juni, 2024Liburan Musim Panas (permulaan)Hari libur sekolah, sebagai tambahan hari libur resmi bank (dapat bervariasi sesuai areanya)
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    Hari Jumaat 5 juli, 2024Hari pengembangan masyarakatList of Exceptional Events
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    Hari Khamis 1 agustus, 2024Perayaan Emansipasi AfrikaLiburan Sekuler
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    Hari Sabtu 31 agustus, 2024Hari KemerdekaanPesta Nasional
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    Hari Senen 2 september, 2024Liburan Musim Panas (akhir)Hari libur sekolah, sebagai tambahan hari libur resmi bank (dapat bervariasi sesuai areanya)
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    Hari Selasa 24 september, 2024Hari RepublikLiburan Sekuler
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    Hari Jumaat 18 oktober, 2024Liburan Masa-Pertengahan (permulaan)Hari libur sekolah, sebagai tambahan hari libur resmi bank (dapat bervariasi sesuai areanya)
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    Hari Senen 28 oktober, 2024Liburan Masa-Pertengahan (akhir)Hari libur sekolah, sebagai tambahan hari libur resmi bank (dapat bervariasi sesuai areanya)
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    Hari Khamis 31 oktober, 2024Deepavali atau Diwali (klik untuk penjelasan)Hindu-Buda
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    Hari Senen Paskah

    Hari Senen 1 aprel, 2024
    Katolik atau Protestan : Tanggal Paskah ditetapkan pada tahun 325. Perayaan ini dihitung menurut kalender lunar.

    Liburan Musim Semi (akhir)

    Hari Senen 8 aprel, 2024
    Liburan sekolah :

    Akhir Ramadan (dapat berubah ke hari terdekat)

    Hari Rabu 10 aprel, 2024
    Islam :

    Pesta Ibu-ibu

    Hari Minggu 12 mei, 2024
    Kartu pos/Bunga : Mother’s day has evolved in many countries in different ways. This is because mother’s day has different origins in different countries and therefore occurs on different days in the year. One school of thought claims that this day emerged from the custom of mother worship in ancient Greece. Mother worship which kept a festival to Cybele, a great mother of gods, and Rhea, the wife of Cronus, was held on March 15 to March 18 around Asia Minor. They insist that this custom spread around the world. Mothering Sunday is the celebration of motherhood in the United Kingdom. It is also known as Mid-lent Sunday, Rose Sunday and Laetare Sunday. It originally comes from the Victorian practice of allowing servants to return home to visit their mothers on this day. In the United States, Julia Ward Howe (May 27, 1819 - October 17, 1910) was a prominent American abolitionist, social activist, and poet. Howe’s Battle Hymn of the Republic was first published in the Atlantic Monthly in 1862 and quickly became one of the most popular songs for the Union during the American Civil War. After the war she focused her activities on the causes of Pacifism and women’s suffrage. In 1870 she was the first to proclaim Mother’s Day, with her Mother’s Day Proclamation. U.S. President Woodrow Wilson approved Mother’s Day in 1914

    Opsional liburan

    Hari Khamis 23 mei, 2024
    Buda (Theravada) : Magha Puja or Sangha celebration. This day falls on the full moon of the third month. It commemorates the main event in Buddha's life, after His first retreated from the rain (Vassa). The anniversary of Buddah's birthday in the Mahayana tradition; the commemoration of Buddah's birth, enlightenment, and death, celebrated on the day of the full moon of the 6th month in the Theravada tradition. Not a paid holiday - Hinduist community only

    Korpus Kristi

    Hari Khamis 30 mei, 2024
    Katolik : Commemorates the Last supper. Pope Urban IV ordered the observance of such a feast in 1264, and in the following century it became universal in the Western Church. For six hundred years that feast was observed on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday, but in 1970 the new Roman Missal, while retaining that day for some countries, provided that in others the feast be observed on the Sunday after Trinity.

    Pesta Ketibaan Orang-orang India

    Hari Khamis 30 mei, 2024
    Liburan Sekuler : Commemorates the arrival of the first indentured laborers from India to Trinidad, in May 1845, on the ship Fatel Razack (alternatively, Fath-al-Razzaq). It was first celebrated in 1945 in conjunction with the hundredth anniversary of Indian arrival.

    Pesta Ketibaan Orang-orang India

    Hari Jumaat 31 mei, 2024
    Liburan Sekuler : Commemorates the arrival of the first indentured laborers from India to Trinidad, in May 1845, on the ship Fatel Razack (alternatively, Fath-al-Razzaq). It was first celebrated in 1945 in conjunction with the hundredth anniversary of Indian arrival.

    Hari Bapa '

    Hari Minggu 16 juni, 2024
    Kartu pos/Bunga :

    Pesta Pekerjaan

    Hari Rabu 19 juni, 2024
    Liburan Sekuler : Hari buruh dinyatakan hari libur nasional tahunan pada tahun 1973. Ini adalah ulang tahun kerusuhan yang berlangsung di oilfields pada tahun 1937.

    Liburan Musim Panas (permulaan)

    Hari Jumaat 28 juni, 2024
    Liburan sekolah :

    Hari pengembangan masyarakat

    Hari Jumaat 5 juli, 2024
    Budaya : Focussing on all aspects of community development, the work of the ministry and all its stakeholders across Trinidad and Tobago

    Perayaan Emansipasi Afrika

    Hari Khamis 1 agustus, 2024
    Liburan Sekuler : Merayakan Emansipasi budak di Kerajaan Inggris pada tanggal 1 Agustus 1834.

    Hari Kemerdekaan

    Hari Sabtu 31 agustus, 2024
    Liburan Sekuler : Granted by the UK in 1962

    Liburan Musim Panas (akhir)

    Hari Senen 2 september, 2024
    Liburan sekolah :

    Hari Republik

    Hari Selasa 24 september, 2024
    Liburan Sekuler : Became a republic on August 1, 1976, fourteen years after independence from the United Kingdom. Observed on the birthday of the then Prime Minister, Eric Williams, although it was officially the date of the first meeting of Parliament under the republican constitution. The holiday was abolished in 1996 to make way for Spiritual Baptist/Shouter Liberation Day, but was reinstated in 2002. [Wikipedia]

    Liburan Masa-Pertengahan (permulaan)

    Hari Jumaat 18 oktober, 2024
    Liburan sekolah :

    Liburan Masa-Pertengahan (akhir)

    Hari Senen 28 oktober, 2024
    Liburan sekolah :

    Deepavali atau Diwali (klik untuk penjelasan)

    Hari Khamis 31 oktober, 2024
    Hindu-Buda : The Light festival starts with festivities. The week cele ates 1.Dhanteras, 2.Kali Chaudas, 3.Deepavali, 4.Navu-Varsha (new year), 5.Bhai-beej. The Vai cast is mainly concerned. May last several days.
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