Hari Rabu 16 oktober, 2024
Kartu pos/Bunga : Kriens, Hochwald [Solothurn], St Gallen Day of the city's patron. In the city of St. Gall, generally observed.
Liburan Musim Gugur (akhir)
Hari Senen 21 oktober, 2024
Liburan sekolah :
Larangan menari
Hari Rabu 20 november, 2024
Budaya : This ban applies to all major religious celebrations, but does not apply in homes
Libur Hari Natal (permulaan)
Hari Jumaat 20 desember, 2024
Liburan sekolah :
Larangan menari
Hari Rabu 25 desember, 2024
Budaya : This ban applies to all major religious celebrations, but does not apply in homes
Hari Rabu 25 desember, 2024
Katolik atau Protestan : Since pre-historic times in Europe, festivities (bonfires, offrerings) were marking the beginning of longer hours of daylight with fires and ritual. The Roman festival of Saturnalia lasted several days in December (gambling and offerings). Germanic tribes also celebrated mid-winter (drinking and rituals). The Bulgarian (with Koleduvane) and the Polish (with Gwiazdka) perpetuate this tradition. Jesus of Nazareth was probably born in springtime (Reformists favour autumn). But in the 4th century, December 25th was chosen for the celebration of his birth by Pope Julius I (Bishop Liberus is also mentioned in 354 A.D.). Thus, a Christian element was introduced in the long-established mid-winter festivals. Before 1582, the Papal States and other Italian city states celebrated New Years Day on Christmas Day
Pesta St. Etienne
Hari Khamis 26 desember, 2024
Katolik atau Protestan : Tidak Uri, Appenzell, Ausserrhoden, Appenzell Innerhoden, Aargau, Waadt, Wallis, Neueburg, Genève, Jura
Hari Rabu 1 januari, 2025
Liburan Sekuler : The world's most widely celebrated holiday, New Years was set on January 1 by Julius Caesar because that was the date the Roman consuls took over their duties. Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday
Berchtoldstag (klik di sini)
Hari Khamis 2 januari, 2025
Liburan Sekuler : A derivation of Middle High German berhttac or berhteltac, which translated the Greek epiphanias
Libur Hari Natal (akhir)
Hari Senen 6 januari, 2025
Liburan sekolah :
calendar issued by the Ministry of Education
study programs are not aligned with the requirements of the Bologna Process
PISA ranking (average 493): 506
Schooling is mandatory till age 16
Average class size: less than 20
Usually no school on Saturday
No uniform required
We carry confirmed dates till Feb 2027; Further dates are projected dates based on previous years
Please note that authorities may take last-minute decisions; please double-check if this information is vital to you
Make a Paypal donation of euros 50 to
[email protected] to purchase the full calendar for 5 countries or regions, including Solothurn schools
[email protected] to purchase a file containing confirmed calendars of 550 countries and regions.
Malam Puasa - Fasnacht (hanya di Basel)
Hari Senen 13 januari, 2025
Budaya : Takes plae on the day of Saint Hilarius. The Latin word 'hilaris', meaning cheerful or lively, gives an indication of the joyful celebrations that then follow. 'Hilari' day has marked the beginning of the Fasnacht celebrations since the 17th century, and since 1853 the honour of heralding in Fasnacht on Hilari day has gone to the 'Narrenzunft Honolulu' (Honolulu fool's guild) with their carnival general assembly and subsequent Hilari procession. The head of 'Narrenzunft Honolulu' replaces the mayor, the Rathausgasse's former name of 'Eselsgasse' (donkey lane) is reinstated and Solothurn calls itself Honolulu until Ash Wednesday.
Hari Libur Olahraga (permulaan)
Hari Jumaat 31 januari, 2025
Liburan sekolah :