Liburan Tahun Baru (permulaan)
Hari Senen 16 desember, 2024
Liburan sekolah :
Malam Natal (Bern)
Hari Selasa 24 desember, 2024
Liburan Sekuler :
Hari Natal
Hari Rabu 25 desember, 2024
Katolik atau Protestan : Natal (dari bahasa Portugis yang berarti kelahiran ) adalah hari raya umat Kristen yang diperingati setiap tahun oleh umat Kristiani pada tanggal 25 Desember untuk memperingati hari kelahiran Yesus Kristus. Natal dirayakan dalam kebaktian malam pada tanggal 24 Desember; dan kebaktian pagi tanggal 25 Desember. Beberapa gereja Ortodoks merayakan Natal pada tanggal 6 Januari (lihat pula Epifani).
Dalam tradisi barat, peringatan Natal juga mengandung aspek non-agamawi. Beberapa tradisi Natal yang berasal dari Barat antara lain adalah pohon Natal, kartu Natal, bertukar hadiah antara teman dan anggota keluarga serta kisah tentang Santa Klaus atau Sinterklas. [Wikipedia]
Penutupan bank-bank
Hari Khamis 26 desember, 2024
bank ditutup :
Liburan sekolah
Hari Rabu 1 januari, 2025
Liburan sekolah : Https://
Nagaland Board of School Education
International schools may follow a different calendar
Schooling is mandatory till age 14
Teaching languages: English
Schools are open on Saturday
School uniforms required
We carry confirmed dates till Jan 2025 -- heat waves may affect the calendarPlease note that authorities may take last-minute decisions; please double-check if this information is vital to you
Make a Paypal donation of euros 50 to
[email protected] to purchase the full calendar for 5 countries, including Nagaland schools
[email protected] to purchase a file containing confirmed calendars of 550 countries and regions.
Hari Rabu 1 januari, 2025
Liburan Sekuler : The world's most widely celebrated holiday, New Years was set on January 1 by Julius Caesar because that was the date the Roman consuls took over their duties. Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday
Awal tahun ajaran (daerah panas)
Hari Senen 6 januari, 2025
Liburan sekolah :
Hari Republik
Hari Minggu 26 januari, 2025
Liburan Sekuler : It was the Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress at midnight of December 31, 1929 - January 1, 1930, that the Tri-Colour Flag was unfurled by the nationalists and a pledge taken that every year on January 26, the Independence Day would be celebrated and that the people would unceasingly strive for the establishment of a Sovereign Democratic Republic of India. The professed pledge was successfully redeemed on January 26, 1950, when the Constitution of India framed by the Constituent Assembly of India came into force, although the Independence from the British rule was achieved on August 15, 1947. It is because of this that August 15 is celebrated as Independence Day, while January 26 as Republic Day.
Dimulainya tahun ajaran baru
Hari Senen 3 febuari, 2025
Liburan sekolah :
Holi atau Holika (klik di sini untuk penjelasan)
Hari Jumaat 14 maret, 2025
Hindu-Buda :
Akhir Ramadan (dapat berubah ke hari terdekat)
Hari Senen 31 maret, 2025
Islam : Ends the ninth month in the Islamic calendar. There were 30 days of strict fasting from sunup to sundown in honor of the first revelation to the Prophet Mohammed.