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linkAustralia : hari libur umum, penutupan perbankan, sekolah liburan

Australia : jadwal lengkap hari libur umum, penutupan Bank dan Bursa saham, liburan sekolah, pameran dagang, budaya dan acara olahraga, Festival, Karnaval, pemilihan selama 3 bulan berikutnya

  • Mata Uang: Dollar (AUD)
  • Internet domain: .au - telephone code: +61 - International dialing code: 0011
  • Akhir Pekan: Hari Sabtu dan Minggu
  • UNTUK MENTERJEMAHKAN KE DALAM BAHASA-BAHASA NEGARA INI: Bahasa Inggris 350 juta pembicara dalam 47 negara), Bahasa-bahasa setempat ...
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  • TanggalNamaJenisLagi
    Hari Minggu 27 oktober, 2024Kakek-nenek hariKartu pos/Bunga
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    Hari Khamis 31 oktober, 2024Hari Libur Oktober (Halloween)Kartu pos/Bunga
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    Hari Minggu 24 november, 2024Kedatangan mingguList of Exceptional Events
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    Hari Jumaat 29 november, 2024Hitam JumatPeristiwa luar biasa
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    Hari Rabu 25 desember, 2024Hari NatalKatolik atau Protestan
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    Hari Khamis 26 desember, 2024Keesokan Hari NatalLiburan Sekuler
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    Hari Khamis 26 desember, 2024Sydney Hobart Yacht racerAcara olahraga
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    Hari Selasa 31 desember, 2024Malam Tahun Baru (umumnya siang hari)List of Exceptional Events
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    Hari Rabu 1 januari, 2025Liburan sekolahHari libur sekolah, sebagai tambahan hari libur resmi bank (dapat bervariasi sesuai areanya)
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    Hari Rabu 1 januari, 2025TAHUN BARULiburan Sekuler
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    Hari Senen 6 januari, 2025Hari Raya Katolik (Hari Raja)Kartu pos/Bunga
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    Hari Senen 27 januari, 2025Pesta AustraliaPesta Nasional
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    Hari Rabu 29 januari, 2025Tahun Baru ImlekKartu pos/Bunga
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    Kakek-nenek hari

    Hari Minggu 27 oktober, 2024
    Kartu pos/Bunga : To honor grandparents, to give grandparents an opportunity to show love for their children's children, and to help children become aware of strength, information, and guidance older people can offer.

    Hari Libur Oktober (Halloween)

    Hari Khamis 31 oktober, 2024
    Kartu pos/Bunga : Halloween originated from a Celtic festival called Samhain, which was celebrated 2,000 years ago and revolved around lighting bonfires and wearing costumes to ward off spirits and fairies— yes, Halloween began because people truly believed that it was a time when dead spirits would rise again, and walk among them. Back then, costumes acted as protection, not just an excuse to show off your Pinterest skills. Not much is known about the ancient holiday since there are no written records, though per Encyclopedia Britannica, it was a time fraught with danger, charged with fear, and full of supernatural episodes.

    Kedatangan minggu

    Hari Minggu 24 november, 2024
    Budaya : From the Latin word adventus meaning coming : observed in many Western Christian churches, a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus at Christmas. It is the beginning of the Western liturgical year. [Wikipedia]

    Hitam Jumat

    Hari Jumaat 29 november, 2024
    Peristiwa luar biasa : Day of sales and bargains

    Hari Natal

    Hari Rabu 25 desember, 2024
    Katolik atau Protestan : Natal (dari bahasa Portugis yang berarti kelahiran ) adalah hari raya umat Kristen yang diperingati setiap tahun oleh umat Kristiani pada tanggal 25 Desember untuk memperingati hari kelahiran Yesus Kristus. Natal dirayakan dalam kebaktian malam pada tanggal 24 Desember; dan kebaktian pagi tanggal 25 Desember. Beberapa gereja Ortodoks merayakan Natal pada tanggal 6 Januari (lihat pula Epifani). Dalam tradisi barat, peringatan Natal juga mengandung aspek non-agamawi. Beberapa tradisi Natal yang berasal dari Barat antara lain adalah pohon Natal, kartu Natal, bertukar hadiah antara teman dan anggota keluarga serta kisah tentang Santa Klaus atau Sinterklas. [Wikipedia]

    Keesokan Hari Natal

    Hari Khamis 26 desember, 2024
    Liburan Sekuler : Boxing Day is a holiday celebrated on the day following Christmas Day, when servants and tradesmen would traditionally receive gifts known as a Christmas box from their masters, employers or customers. Due to historical reasons, depending on the year, Boxing Day can be celebrated BEFORE Christmas

    Sydney Hobart Yacht racer

    Hari Khamis 26 desember, 2024
    Acara olahraga : Http:// 2024 edition confirmed

    Malam Tahun Baru (umumnya siang hari)

    Hari Selasa 31 desember, 2024
    Budaya : Szilveszter

    Liburan sekolah

    Hari Rabu 1 januari, 2025
    Liburan sekolah : The summer school holidays in Australia last from December to February and include Christmas and New Year celebrations and usually last six weeks.
    It should be noted, however, that school holidays in Australia are set individually by each State Department of Education. Please scroll to the concerned state School day duration: 6:30 hours
    Average class size: more than 22
    2022 PISA ranking: #11 with 497 score

    Dates confirmed till Dec 2025 in most states


    Hari Rabu 1 januari, 2025
    Liburan Sekuler : The world's most widely celebrated holiday, New Years was set on January 1 by Julius Caesar because that was the date the Roman consuls took over their duties. Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

    Hari Raya Katolik (Hari Raja)

    Hari Senen 6 januari, 2025
    Kartu pos/Bunga :

    Pesta Australia

    Hari Senen 27 januari, 2025
    Liburan Sekuler : Celebrates the first settlement by the British lead by captain Arthur Phillip (1788)

    Tahun Baru Imlek

    Hari Rabu 29 januari, 2025
    Kartu pos/Bunga : At New Year during the night, the Jade Emperor conveyed all animals. Only 12 showed up. To thank them, Buddha dedicated one symbolic year per visitor. Each new born would inherit the relevant animal's characteristics.
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